Visit the Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge Exhibit at the CNE

  The CNE opened their doors this past weekend for the 2014 season and our family made our way through the gates on Sunday. The weather was perfect, not too hot/not too cold and we were ready to explore!  First stop - The Hot Wheels® Track Builder Challenge Exhibit! Located between the Market Place and International Pavilion in the Direct Energy Centre, or just find follow the sound of kids having fun! The Hot Wheels exhibit was a popular spot, but that didn't stop … [Read more...]

Hot Wheels Track Builder Challenge

  With three boys in the house we have no shortage of hot wheels cars, each kiddo has his own bucket under his bed and they are constantly making 'trades' with eachother. Last summer my Father-in-law arrived at our house with a few boxes of Daddies old toys that were taking up space in Grandpas basement. The boys were surprised and excited to see that Daddy used to play with Hot Wheels too and owned quite a few pieces of racing track! Since then the boys have been hooked on track … [Read more...]

Hot toy of the season: Hot Wheels® CAR MAKER!

Can you ever have too many hot wheels cars? In a house with three boys, the answer is no! Despite having buckets overflowing of the shiny metal cars, the boys never seem to get enough of the little racers. And while the boys will always get a new hot wheels or two tucked inside their stockings from the big guy, it was definitely time to start thinking outside the box on how we can satisfy their hot wheels love.  Hot Wheels Car Maker Car Design Kit Create, customize and race your … [Read more...]

Kinder Canada has a few new Surprises #Kindermom

My boys are your typical boys, they love cars, monster trucks and lego! They playfight and spend hours in their sandbox during the summer months, but they also love to hang with Dora and my oldest son has two favourite colours, pink and blue! So they aren't too hung up on what is for girls and what is for boys, but they were really excited to see the new boxes of Kinder Eggs roll into the house.  Surprise! Kinder has a whole new look! … [Read more...]

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