and here I thought McDonald’s was for kids

Big Brother had a dentist appointment on Saturday, he always gets a bit nervous before, but he did an excellent job so afterwards I took him out for an ice cream cone. Yup, that’s right people, no mother of the year award here, I celebrated clean teeth by taking my 4 year old to McDonalds to dirty them up! He actually paid his own way too! lol he had a coupon from Halloween for a free cone, and he was cute as heck standing in line clutching his little coupon and handing to the cashier himself!

Sitting in the Walmart  McDonalds around 11:30am on a Saturday, having a little lunch date with my favourite guy and I couldn’t be happier. It was so great to have a little one on one time with my big boy! He was loving it too, he chatted away about school, checked out all the people packed into the tiny restaurant and had a keen observation.

Big Brother announces “There sure are a lot of Great Grandma’s in here”

I was a little embarrassed at first because there was a whole table right beside us of elderly people, but then I figured they probably don’t have their hearing aids turned up that loud anyway! lol because Big Brother was right, almost every single person in there was really old. Not ‘grandma’ old, but like he said, “great grandma’ old! lol
and here I thought McDonalds was for kids! lol

I decided to grab a happy meal as well, not because that was what I wanted, but I thought Big Bro would like the toy and he did! That crappy little McDonalds toy was like gold in my pocket! It was PRICELESS! We had a lot of ground to cover across the city that day and hopped from store to boring store and he just happily played the day away with the cheap plastic toy! He kept him entertained for hours! Thanks McD’s!

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