Kate + 8 = Give me a break!!

Anyone else still catching the Jon & Kate + 8 family? I know, I know, most people have gotten over it by now, heck, even Jon ran like hell, but well, it’s a bit like a train wreck and I can’t help but watch! Plus, I’ve been watching since the beginning and I like the see the kidlets grow.

Anyways, the latest segment to show up on my PVR (I love you PVR!!) was the family’s trip to Alaska. They no longer film normal life shows, because their life is no longer normal!
Did anyone else roll their eyes and yell at the t.v. when Kate proclaimed ” This is the longest I’ve gone without wearing heels in my whole life!!”
Do we need to tie Kate to a chair and  play re run after re run of the early shows where she lived in track pants and sweat shirts all day? or maybe the one where Jon forces her to go shopping and picks out all of her clothes because she self admits that she is a fashion retard?
Kate can’t fool anyone! This whole Hollywood Diva thing she has going on now is a recent happening and available at the expense of personal assistants!

And did anyone else wonder why she felt it necessary to bring security on a day trip to a remote glacier?? was there paparazzi there ready to jump out from behind a….a….wait….there was nothing there- because it was a remote glacier! lol

okay, enough Kate bashing, but really I could go on forever! lol

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