Canadian Hockey Books from Scholastic Review


You know what I love best about Scholastic Canada ??? I love that they publish Canadian books  for Canadian kids! So often Canadian’s are fed American content and are not brought up learning about our own country, our own stories, our own heroes!
You know what else I love about Scholastic Canada?? I love that they publish relevant and seasonal stories! I like pulling out the winter and holiday books around this time of year. We’ve already seen some snow fly!
This winter Scholastic Canada is bringing you some really great Hockey titles! Because what could be more Canadian in the wintertime than Hockey eh???

Canadian Hockey Books

By David Ward
Illustrations by Brian Deines
$19.99/Hardcover/ages 4-8
This is a story about Owen and Holly who have just moved from Saskatchewan and miss playing hockey on their frozen lake back home. Their mom and dad surprise them on their 1st Christmas Eve in Nova Scotia with a backyard ice rink! I love how the illustrations look like they are painted on canvas and all the recognizable Canadian NHL jerseys! Want to guess what they lined their rink with??? lobster crates!
By Mike Leonetti
Illustrations by Greg Banning
$19.99/hardcover/ages 6-10
Anyone want to guess the year Tim Horton helped win the Leafs the Stanley Cup? It was 1962!
Could their be a more famous Canadian name than Tim Horton? I think not!
In this story a boy named Trevor is having trouble staying out of the penalty box and is warned by the coach that if he keeps it up, he’ll be benched. Trevor expectantly meets the great Tim Horton one day, who gives him tips from one defenseman to another. I like that this book teaches kids that you can be a great hockey player without being rough on the ice and shares a fun part of Canadian hockey history. The 6-10 age group is probably about right, the hockey commentating is a bit above my four year old, but we skip over most of the play by play stuff and stick with the story line and he asks for his hockey books at bed time.

Both books are written and illustrated by Canadians!

Moms will love reading these books to her little hockey players!

I received the above books for reviewing purposes, no other compensation was given and all opinions expressed are my own.

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