Trash Talk

style="color: #38761d; text-align: center;">Hey, see this????

No not the puddles, although that ‘s what my boys would be looking at
Not the fact that my neighbour has yet to rake his lawn
Not even the shout out to Pampers that I proudly display each week 

It’s the Trash!!! Yeah, as simple as that! the trash! Why on earth am I posting a picture of our garbage!?!  Because well, look at all of it!!! It’s lovely!! you know why?? because all of that is not in my garage!! yay! The long weekend blessed us with more time and beautiful weather which prompted a partial garage upheaval. Yeah, it’s only a partial, we have a long way to go! The second clean sweep leftovers will be heading to the dump. This is mainly boxes from every purchase we have made all winter including Christmas! if it was bigger than allowed to just get tossed into the blue box (which is what us Canadians fondly refer to as our recycling box) than it sat in the garage.

Listen, you will never find me on one of those ‘hoarder’ shows! (or worse, I saw a commercial this week for a show called ‘Buried Alive’..uh..can you say morbid?) Oprah and Peter Walsh do not need to come a knockin’
 I love to throw things out! I love to purge! I get organizations calling me all the time asking if we have clothing donations, etc. and I don’t think I’ve turned one of them away yet. Surely I can come up with something! I already have all my maternity clothes waiting for the consignment shop or to pass on to a friend. If I don’t need it, I don’t want to keep it. Out it goes.
I don’t want to hear about how someday we might want it, or someday we’ll be sorry we tossed it. Because someday we might just not be able to walk through the house if we kept all of our crap. 
I actually feel good about getting rid of stuff, no remorse, no second thoughts. 
Which is not to say that I just toss everything into the garbage, because I always think first about who could possibly use it. If something is in good condition I would rather pass it on to just about anyone I can think of, but otherwise, I will toss it! No consumed by clutter interventions needed here (a housecleaning intervention maybe, but junk no)


  1. the mombshell says
  2. Amy Henderson says
  3. 3LittleMonkeys says

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