Movies for Babies! Baby Prodigy Review

While we all know that experts suggest limiting a babies television viewing, Mom’s know that life can get in the way. Sure with Baby #1 we had all the time in the world to entertain them, sing to them, hold them when they cried and chase after them when they were on a mission, but let’s be honest by baby #2 and #3, I would have done anything to have something to capture my kiddos attention for even a few minutes!

Baby Prodigy products have won over 20 national awards and takes the guess work out of choosing age appropriate programs for our youngest tv viewers. There is nothing on regular tv like this.
My family had the opportunity to check out a couple of the DVD videos that Baby Prodigy has to over. 30 Minutes to a Quiet Baby (who doesn’t like the sound of that??) and Baby’s First Words 2.

My boys are aged 1, 2 and 4 and oddly enough they all liked watching the videos! I watch them with the kids and we chat throughout them naming animals, guessing colours, and clucking our tongues to the tunes (um, yeah, I can’t whistle so, well, we cluck!)
The baby will play with toys and cruise around the room and periodically stop to watch what is happening on the screen. My 2 year old really likes watching and it is helping with his language development to encourage him talk about what we are seeing. My 4 year old is above the age group of these videos but still likes any opportunity to watch tv and likes to show off by answering all the questions when you are prompted to pick colours and name things.

Other titles in the DVD collection include: Baby’s First Words 1 and Baby Preschool.
In addition, there are Baby Prodigy CD’s and Stuffed toys to go with the movies.

You can pick up Baby Prodigy DVD’s are available at Toys R Us and retail at approx $12.99US


I received the above products from Baby Prodigy for reviewing purposes, no other compensation was given and all opinions expressed are my own

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