This Halloween Handprint Spider Craft is fun for toddlers and makes a nice keepsake of their little hands!
It can be hard to come up with fun craft ideas for toddlers because they are so young, but this handprint spider craft is a cute and easy one kiddos of all ages will enjoy! Plus, it will be a nice reminder of just how small those little hands once were. Tuck this craft away in the baby book!
Handprint Spider Craft Instructions
You’ll Need
Black Paint
Orange construction paper
Googly Eyes
Paint your child’s palm and fingers, minus the thumb with the black paint.
*Here’s a tip, add a small dab of dish soap to the paint for easy clean up. It will wash right off when you’re done!
Press the hand down onto a piece of orange paper.
Repeat, but this time overlap the palm and have the fingers go in the opposite direction.
Glue on some googly eyes and Voila! you have a Spooky Spider perfect for Halloween!
I had some black bat confetti left over from some Halloween sensory bottles I was making so the boys also glued those around the spider as well.
These can make a really cute card for Halloween. We made one with all three of the boys handprint spiders together and sent it with a note and a photo of each boy in costume to the boys’ Uncle who lives in Australia. The handprints make a nice keepsake for family members you can’t be with for the holiday.

Make your goblins giggle with this BIG List of Halloween Jokes for Kids!
When you guys use black paint for crafts such as these cute spiders, what brand are you using?? I bought the washable Crayola… Its too watery I find.
I’m not sure what brand it was, it may not have even been washable paint. I find a blob of dishsoap in any paint comes out really well.
These are so cute. I wish I had the internet when My older children were small. I loved doing crafts with them. Now my daughter has her own line of homemade creams lotions and potions. My son is such a beautiful wood worker. He made a beautiful bench for my hubby and I for Christmas. Now our youngest is 13 and likes to cook. So it looks like my old age I will be soft with a great seat and lots of food. I raised them right. LOL
Yikes ugly spiders. Kids would have fun making these. Does the paint come of clothes easily too? 🙂
Depends which kind of paint you use but I always find that bit of dish soap really helps
Creative and cool looking spiders I am sure many children will enjoy making for Halloween.
These are super cute! My little grandson has many projects that are made with his little hands like this.We like to keep them and I am making a scrapbook of them. This will be a nice addition.