Take a Hike!

One of our very favourite activities as a couple has always been hiking. It’s so peaceful and gorgeous and it’s truly where I feel closest to God.
We still managed a couple of hikes after the first two boys were born with the help of a snugglie and a sling, but baby number three pretty much killed the sport for a while.

This year I was determined to give it a try again. The boys are 2,3 and 5 now so we picked a fun easy coarse and hoped for the best.

The Boys did great. We only had to carry Little Buddy over a few really rough spots and we did leave with a scrapped knee or two but it was a good day. We started out hike over a huge bridge over water! Walked along a trail beside loud rushing water, then took the forest route back and before we left we caught a boat ready to head through the locks so we gave the boys a little lesson on ‘boat elevators’ lol or how locks work! lol

 see the bridge? click to make it larger if you want

Rocks, Water, Trees, Bugs…it was a little boy’s paradise! and to be honest….mine too! (minus the bugs)


  1. Mommy Moment says
  2. FamilyFoodFitnessandFun says
  3. Maple Leaf Mommy says
  4. Jenerally Speaking says

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