Silly Sports Jokes for Kids


Silly sports jokes for kids to make your little athletes giggle!


Does your family love a good joke? We sure do and you’ll find a ton of funny jokes for just about every season and holiday if you look under our kids activity section! They’ve been such a big hit for kids, parents and even teachers that it was definitely time for a new round of jokes for the sports fans! 


sports jokes for kids


Silly Sports Jokes for Kids


Q: Where do sports teams go to buy new uniforms?
A: New Jersey.

Q: What is a boxer’s favorite drink?
A: Punch.

Q: What is harder to catch the faster you run?
A: Your breath!

Q: What’s a golfer’s favorite letter?
A: Tee!

Q: How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one!

Q: What is a cheerleaders favorite color?
A: Yeller!

Q: What is a Cheerleader’s favorite food?
A: Cheerios!

Q: What do wrestler’s drinks come in?
A: Six packs.
golf joke

Q: Where does a hockey player get all his money?
A: From the tooth fairy!

Q: What do hockey players and magicians have in common?
A: Both do hat tricks!

Q: How do hockey players prefer to be paid?
A: With a check.

Q: Why are hockey players good at making friends?
A: They’re quick at breaking the ice.

Q: Why did the ballerina quit?
A: Because it was tu-tu hard!

Q: What sport do hairdressers love the most?
A: Curling.

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work?
A: A stick.

Q: What is the hardest part about skydiving?
A: The ground!


soccer jokes


Q: What is a ghosts favorite position in soccer?
A: Ghoul keeper.

Q: Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?
A: Because she is always running away from the ball!

Q: Why can’t you play soccer in a jungle?
A: There are just too many cheetahs.

Q: What is black and white and when you kick it it flies?
A: A soccer ball.

Q: Why are soccer players excellent at math?
A: They know how to use their heads.

Q: At what sport to waiters do really well?
A: Tennis, because they can serve so well.

Q: Why is tennis such a loud sport?
A: The players raise a racquet.

Q: What is something you can serve, but never eat?
A: A volleyball!

Q: How quiet is a bowling alley?
A: So quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

Q: Why is a good bowler a bad baseball player?
A: Because he gets so many strikes


baseball joke


Baseball Jokes


Q: When is a baseball player like a spider?
A: When he catches a fly!

Q: Where do they keep the largest diamond in New York City?
A: Yankee Stadium.

Q:  How is a baseball team similar to a pancake?
A:  They both need a good batter!

Q: What did the baseball glove say to the ball?
A: Catch ya later!

Q:  What is an insect’s favorite sport?
A: Cricket!

Q: Why do baseball pitchers stay away from caves?
A: They don’t like bats.

Q: How do baseball players stay cool?
A: They sit next to the fans.

Q: What did the baseball glove say to the ball?
A: Catch you later!

Q: Why did the Yankees sign a contract with a baker?
A: They needed a new batter!

Q: What animal is best at hitting a baseball?
A: A bat!

Q: What has 18 legs and catches flies?
A: A baseball team!

Q: What runs around a baseball team but never moves?
A: A fence!

Q: Why is Yankee Stadium the coolest place to be?
A: It’s full of fans!


football joke


Football Jokes


Q: What did the coach say to the broken vending machine?
A: I want my quarter back!

Q: Which football player wears the biggest helmet?
A: The one with the biggest head!

Q:  Why didn’t the dog want to play football?
A: It was a boxer!

Q: What do you call a lineman’s kid?
A: A chip off the old blocker.

Q: Why did the football coach go to the bank?
A: He wanted his quarter back!

Q: How do football players deal with their problems?
A: They tackle them head on!

Q: What did the receiver say to the football?
A: Catch you later.

Q: Why was the tiny ghost asked to join the football team?
A: They needed a little team spirit.

Q: Why couldn’t the all-star football player listen to any music?
A: He broke all the records.

Q: How are scrambled eggs and bad football teams the same?
A: They’ve both been beaten!


basketball joke


Basketball Jokes


Q: Which fast-food chain is most likely to win a basketball tournament?
A: Dunkin’ Donuts.

Q: What do you do when you see an elephant with a basketball?
A: Get out of the way.

Q:  Why did the basketball player bring his suitcase to the game?
A: Because he traveled a lot!

Q: What do you call a pig who plays basketball?
A: A ball hog!

Q:  What kinds of stories do basketball players tell?
A: Tall tales!

Q: Why do basketball players love cookies and milk?
A: Because they can dunk them!

Q: Why did the chicken get ejected from the basketball game?
A: Because there was so much fowl play!

Q: Why did the basketball player go to jail?
A: Because he shot the ball!

Q: Why are basketball players messy eaters?
A: Because they are always dribbling!


Got a funny sports joke to share? Leave me a comment below!


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sports jokes for kids


  1. 😆😆😆 This is amazing! I love it!!!

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