LunchMate + Fruit Makes Packing Lunches a Breeze

For the previous two years I got off pretty lucky when it came to packing lunches. My oldest was in his kindergarten years and only went 2-3 days a week, I could handle that. This year he entered Grade 1 at the same time my middle guy entered into the new every day kindergarten system and all of a sudden I was packing 10 lunches a week! eek! I knew I was in trouble my first week in, when I didn't even make it to Friday without complaining I couldn't find anything to add to their lunch bags! … [Read more...]

Strawberry Fusion Tic Tacs for Breast Cancer Awareness

October is painting the town pink! Since it's October the first and the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month I thought it was appropriate to share with you all, one of my favourite pink products for the month- Tic Tacs! In support of Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, Tic Tac Canada has donated $25,000 to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada and has launched a limited edition sweet and tart Strawberry Fusion flavour that hit store shelves on September 1st.  The Breast Cancer Society … [Read more...]

Tortillas to the Rescue Cookbook!

Every family has a list of staples they like to keep in the home, and tortillas is one of ours! We pretty much use them for any type of meat leftovers for wraps and the boys adore them with peanut butter, cheese and even hot dogs tucked inside. Much like bread, it's one of those items you want to have on hand. I received a copy of Tortillas to the Rescue recently, which holds "100 quick and easy recipes" for tortillas! Can you imagine! I was surprised to see recipes for Tortilla-Crusted … [Read more...]

Back-to-School Lunch Ideas from President’s Choice Fall Insider’s Report

Anyone else get kind of excited when President's Choice publishes their new Insider's Report? okay, maybe not as exciting as, say, the Sears Wish Book, but for everyday foodies, it's pretty exciting to get a first look at all the new yummies hitting store shelves for the new season!  If you are responsible for packing lunches whether it be your own or your kids, the Insider's Report it a good start for some inspiring lunch ideas! Here's a few new items that our family was sent to try … [Read more...]

New from Special K, Cracker Chips

Do you love trying new products as they hit the store shelves?? Special K has just introduced the world to the Cracker Chip and you, my dears, get a chance to win the full line up! If you are like me, you might just hate to fork out the money to try something new, worried you might end up hating it and waste the money. Today you can enter to win all three new flavours of the Special K Cracker Chips risk free! won't cost ya a thing! A crispy blend of potato and rice and lightly seasoned, … [Read more...]

Olivieri Lasagna Sheets Make the Best Lasagna!

I love lasagna, it's right there with speghetti on my list of favourite comfort foods, yet I make speghetti again and again and lasagna hardly ever. Why? you know why, because lasagna is a pain in the butt to make! It's true though right? All those dishes and all that time it takes, browning meat, simmering sauces, boiling noodles...... Olivieri can't solve all your problems but they can eliminate that boiling noodles step and help make the best tasting lasagna around! These are … [Read more...]

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