What is “Dietainment” and how you can help stop it

  My boys are suckers for stereotypes. Go ahead, ask them what police officers do? Fight bad guys? Nope, they'll answer 'eat donuts and coffee'. Terrible right? Don't look at me with your pointed fingers either, nothing of the sort has ever come out of my mouth or my husbands, but every time we drive past a police car the boys start chatting about this donut thing. Where on earth did they get this from?, we ask each other, but the answer is obvious - media. So if the boys are quick to … [Read more...]

Hush, Little Baby……#BetterForBaby

Yesterday I was on a field trip with my son's class, when one of the dad volunteers spotted a baby across the splash pad. A teacher was chatting with the lady next to her and holding her new baby, and this dad could not resist. "I've got to go see the baby" he announced, and off he went to get a closer look. As a dad to six (SIX!!), he is no stranger to little ones, but it is a real testament to the power of baby! They draw you in, they melt your heart, and they really do make you want to make … [Read more...]

What do little boys want to be when they grow up? – Boymoms share!

  When I was little my male classmates answered the question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" with answers like fireman and policeman, maybe even a doctor, but usually a community helper of some sort. Being Canadian kids, hockey players or other sports heros were popular choices too. Boys who were super creative answered with fantasies like super hero! Now that I am a mom to three boys, I hear them talk about what they want to be when they get older and I'm a little bit … [Read more...]

Join Silken Laumann in the Never Say Dieting Oath

When we hear the word Diet, we often think of girls. And while it's true that more young girls and women try dieting than boys and men, as a mom to all boys, I know that self esteem and body issues are hard on both sexes. No one is immune to feeling bad about their bodies and wishing they were more fit, lean, or strong as some of the images they see on tv and magazines. I'm joining Silken Laumann in taking the Never Say Dieting Oath, so that my boys won't learn that behaviour from me. Watch … [Read more...]

Pick them Back up

My boys started skating lessons just over a week ago. My oldest took a few lessons a couple years back, but it was my first time out on skates for the four and five year old. We walked them out onto the ice and reluctantly let go. I'm not going to lie, it was hard. We knew they were going to fall, and they did. They fell A LOT in fact. It was brutal to watch. The coaches helped a bit, though they did not hold their hands or guide them under their arms or even offer them a chair or device to … [Read more...]

Love notes before bed

After the Blissdom Canada conference early last month, my son was looking through some of the items that made their home in my swag bag. A little red notebook and some pencils fell out of the Timspiration package from Tim Hortons.  "Can I have these?" he asked "Sure Buddy" I replied and during that very moment our entire night time routine would be changed for the better. My husband and I tucked the boys into bed that night and crawled into bed ourselves to watch some television. … [Read more...]

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