Road trip tips from Gravol

  Whether it’s a trip to the grandparents, the big city or someplace new to explore, you’re likely going to be piling the whole family into the car to get there. The long drive ahead can be daunting, but it’s easy to make it fun and enjoyable for the whole family. When we think of planning a road trip, it usually starts and ends with activities to do once you get to your destination, but we tend to forget to plan for the road trip itself and the extended hours of travel while crowded … [Read more...]

Ready, Set, Go! With Kids Travel Zone!

Do your kids play house? My boys play 'Hotel' instead! We are a family who loves, loves, loves to travel! When you have three babies in three years, travel seems to cease for a bit, but when my youngest turned one we started back in slowly with weekend trips around Ontario. By the time he was 3 we took our first big road trip to the United States and now that he's five, we are ready to take on some airplane travel! We've been used to packing everything but the kitchen sink into our minivan for … [Read more...]

Ready for Adventure with Staples Canada

I remember back to school shopping with my mom when I was a kid, it was so exciting to pick out new clothes, back packs and lunch bags! It kind of felt like my birthday, but I got to pick out my own gifts! Fast forward to life with three boys and we tend to have more boys clothes than will fit in our drawers! Yes, my poor children live life in hand-me-downs but that's the way it goes in big families, all of the same gender! They do get to pick their own backpacks and lunch bags though, so these … [Read more...]

Beyond Niagara Falls

  In my last post, I encouraged you to get to know Niagara Falls from above, below and behind. And you should, you really, really should take a day and do all of that, but what else is there to do besides getting drenched by a waterfall? Turns out lots! More than you will ever get to do in one visit, but I do have a few suggestions for you based on our end of summer visit to Niagara Falls Ontario. So check out those waterfalls, ride the boat, pose for some selfies and then … [Read more...]

Experiencing Niagara Falls from Above, Below and Behind!

  Some people wish their whole lives for the chance to see the greatness of Niagara Falls, but fortunately for us, we are just a road trip away and have been blessed to see the rushing water many times. I'm sad to say that, up until now, the most interactive we've gotten with the falls is to stand on the pathway above and pose for the customary "we visited Niagara Falls" photo. On a recent visit during the last days of Summer, we decided to get up close and personal, to show our … [Read more...]

Why Kids Love Beaches Turks & Caicos

Over the last couple of months I've shared with you posts about our Spring trip to Beaches Turks and Caicos and why I thought it was amazing and why I thought it was the perfect family getaway. Today I wanted to share with you why Kids love Beaches Turks and Caicos, because while adults love the delicious food and impeccable service, kids have their own opinion on what makes a holiday great! Check our video where my son weighs in on Beaches Turks and Caicos! Beaches Strive to Make Dad's … [Read more...]

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