Merry Twitter!

I don't talk 'social media' to my kids. They know mommy works from home and to do her work she needs to be on the computer. While words like blog, facebook and twitter are part of every day adult conversation around here, they aren't terms I use when speaking to the boys. But I have a pretty keen 6 year old who has super sonic hearing when he wants to, absorbs conversation when you least expect it and has been known to read my mind since he was an infant (I wish I was kidding). So the first … [Read more...]

When Boys Like Pink

For the record I am well versed on gender stereotyping. I sat through a number of college courses on the subject and we do give our boys plenty of room to like whatever they like, even if that includes what main stream media feels is for girls. They've had a cabbage patch doll since they were about that same size, they hang with Dora on a regular basis  and I confidently proclaimed the Beauty and the Beast toothbrush to be perfect when the dental hygenist tried convincing my son to choose the … [Read more...]

Raising Boys….

I know nothing about raising little girls, but I was a little girl and what I do know is that I never gave my private parts much thought. Nope, I didn't, just couldn't care less about them, but boys on the other hand seem to be infatuated with private parts from the minute they are born. Prepping for the Halloween season recently the family sat down in the kitchen to create some pretty fun Rice Krispie treats (check out my post tomorrow). Big Brother who is six wanted to make a zombie. So I … [Read more...]

You Know You’re a Boy Mom When…..

 You Know You're a Boy Mom When......   * You find rocks, sticks and leaves in pockets while doing laundry * Your child has had a black eye, chipped tooth, and a scarred lip all before the age of two (yes all three on one child, say hello to Middle Man) * You avoid using their bathroom at all cost * You know and fear the pain of stepping on Lego * Pirate lingo is everyday jargon (Clean up your toys or wake the plank mateys, aarrgh) * When searching for the loud noise … [Read more...]

I’m Part of the MOB!

Welcome Welcome Welcome!!! I've been really excited to take part in this MOB Society hop! I lurk around the FB page and website but this is really my big chance to say hello to all of you and introduce myself!! I'm Jennifer, Proud Boy-Mom to three little dudes aged 3, 4 and 6! Yes, life for me is busy, loud and dirty and I love every minute of it! (almost lol) I started blogging in January of 2010, Canadian winters can be brutal and boring up here in the great white north and Mama needed a … [Read more...]

An Angry Birds Addiction

  The other night around 10:30pm my husband and I turned off our bedroom tv and settled in for sleep. As I was lying in the dark I could hear a faint noise somewhere in the house. I laid still and listened. Weird little far off squawking noises. hmm....I listened some more and started to recognize the familiar patterns and tune to the chirps and squawks.'t I sprang out of bed. Both of the boys bedrooms doors were closed tight. no noise. I headed for downstairs when I … [Read more...]

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