Virtual Play Date?

Recently I posted pictures of one of my favourite places to take the boys to explore, today I thought I would take you on another virtual play date with my boys at another fun location we go to throw rocks into water, watch boats, and scream under bridges to hear our echo! lol come along! … [Read more...]

Boy Adventures

The best boy adventures involve rocks and water! Today I thought I would invite you on a little photo journey of one of our favourite places to explore! … [Read more...]

Bee You!

  My big guy started skating lessons at the beginning of the year and with just a handful of times out on the ice the poor little thing had to take part in a skating carnival. First off he was not impressed he had to dress up as a bee, but aside from that, I saw my confident, happy, social boy become very very self conscience. It was the first time we had ever heard him say he didn't want to do something because he was going to fail and people would laugh at him. yeah, it pulled on the … [Read more...]

Boy Adventures: Winter Weekends

Here in Ontario we celebrated Family Day yesterday. We try not to question why the government felt we weren't spending enough time together as families, and just take that free day off work and run with it! lol I actually love this holiday, it doesn't involve elaborate dinners that take too long to prepare, it doesn't involve gifts, it doesn't involve driving hours to visit relatives- the only requirement is to spend it together having fun! Easy Peasy! relax, enjoy, laugh, unplug, and have … [Read more...]

Raising Canadian Kids

There is nothing like hurling your two year old off a slippery ridge to make you feel like - just another Canadian mom!   Here's some pics of a recent snow-fun day! and he's off.... hello handsome! aaarrggghhhhhh!!!! Who needs a toboggan, when you have a bum? Brought his snowball for a ride! All Smiles! When in doubt, use your head! … [Read more...]

Before there was 3, there was 1 (a journey through infertility)

After having three babies in three years, it's hard to believe I was ever once considered to be infertile. But looking back, there I was, walking down the hospital corridor, heading to my procedure, when I looked down at the form the nurse had given me and saw the word INFERTILE. It was like a kick to the stomach really, never having quite thought of myself as that just yet and even looked the form over to make sure it was mine. But indeed it was. Apparently, the medical community considered me … [Read more...]

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