Embrace Winter with Skechers Boots

It's become a bit of a tradition for our family to kick off the new year with a winter hike. On new years day we like to pick a trail and set out together to enjoy the snow and ring in a new year with some fresh air and exercise. I haven't always liked winter, there were plenty of years I preferred to stay inside bundled up under blankets, but come on, being Canadian we would miss a lot of living if we hibernated through the cold months right? The key to enjoying the outdoors is to make sure you … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Most Precious Cargo this Winter

Canadians know that life doesn’t stop just because it gets cold outside. While some days it’s tempting to want to hibernate inside, the reality is, we still need to get out and about in those chilling temps. It’s easy to bundle ourselves up and head for the driver’s seat, but what about our most precious cargo? An Allstate Canada national poll found that 95 per cent of Canadian parents feel they are confident they know how to properly buckle a child in a car seat. Despite feeling confident when … [Read more...]

Bedtime Gift Basket made Perfect with I See Me!

Sometimes the youngest members of the family can be hard to shop for. They aren't really old enough to make a wish list or tell you what they want and it might seem like they have everything they need. One thing is for certain though, a personalized gift is always a big hit with children and their parents alike! We've been adding I See Me! Personalized Books to our collection for years and they are still some of my boys favourite books. Now we like to gift them to our nephews who love them just … [Read more...]

Rest Easy Tonight

With the carefree days of summer behind us children may start to have the stresses of back to school time creep back into their lives. Let's face it, returning to class with new teachers, new schedules and making new friends is really tough stuff for our little ones and it could trigger nighttime bed wetting.  Wetting the bed can be an embarrassing issue among kids, but it's actually very common. It's believed that up to 15% of five-year-olds and 8% of 8-year-olds experience nighttime wetting … [Read more...]

Fuel up for a great school day

The kids are back in school and parents are back to work and routines too, which means everyone needs a packed lunch on their way out the door. I've seen plenty of  "school lunch" bags and kits that were definitely designed with fun over function and while they were cute, they just don't cut it when it actually comes to packing lunches.  This is why I love Fuel by Trudeau, the products function well and they are so cleverly designed to not only be pleasing to the eye but get the job done! As … [Read more...]

Back to school, back to healthy routines

  School is back in session and while we miss the lazy, carefree days of summer, it was definitely time for us all to fall back into a good routine. This year we are trying something new each morning to start our day. The boys are kicking off breakfast with Crystal Clean from the sea Omega 3.     Omega-3 essential fatty acids help keep cell membranes flexible and functional, supporting cardiovascular and cognitive health throughout life. DHA is … [Read more...]

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