Fun in the bath with the Angelcare Bath Support

I remember those first few baths with a new baby... I remember feeling like I needed two extra sets of hands. I would always wait for my husband to get home so he could help me. I didn’t bathe my first baby by myself until she was several months old! The main reason for this was because the little baby bath I had for her was not at all comfortable, and I couldn’t use it myself. I needed someone to hold her while she was in it. We stopped using it after only a few tries. I was given another baby … [Read more...]

Win a Phil&Teds Navigator Stroller

Choosing the right stroller is serious business and just as important as picking the right vehicle. You'll be looking the highest quality you can afford where function reigns but style and design are not sacrificed. This Winter has been brutal in Canada from coast to coast and here in Ontario, during the weeks after the snow and ice that hit, we saw more than one stroller ditched in parking lots and sidewalks. They obviously couldn't cut it. If you're looking for a sturdy beast with all the … [Read more...]

Babymoov – The bag of bags.

* My baby reviewer Diane test drives the gorgeous Babymoov Diaper Bag* It never fails, I’m late, and as I’m running out the door, I realize I forgot to grab diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes… and a receiving blanket, and a soother, and a snack, water…. the list goes on. I grab the stuff and search for a bag big enough – usually a cloth grocery bag – throw everything in and finally manage to get out the door. Not bad right? Until you actually have to get something from the bag. You have to … [Read more...]

Tommee Tippee tackles smell with their new 360º Sealer Diaper Disposal System!

*My Baby Reviewer Diane test drives the Tommee Tippee 360 Sealer Diaper Disposal System* You know when you walk into a room and the smell hits you in the face… nothing like the strong scent of ammonia to get your day going! And lets be honest, the #2’s are no walk in the park either. With two still in diapers (and one still in pull-ups over night), the Tommee Tippee 360º Sealer Diaper Disposal System would be WELL tested.      It was super simple to set up. It comes already put together, you … [Read more...]

For the next 7 generations @SeventhGen

For 25 years, Seventh Generation has been strongly rooted in its mission to inspire a revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven generations. The brand’s roster spans kitchen, bathroom, laundry, baby and personal care products designed with the environment and your family’s health in mind. I've tried out a number of 'green' cleaning products in my day, but what I was really interested to find was that Seventh Generation carried a line of 'green' diapers! Oh, us Mom's know that diapers … [Read more...]

Squishy Snak Pak for Nutrition on the Go!

Michelle Zacharias is a busy mom of 4, who values good nutrition, even when the family is on the go. She invented the Squishy Snak Pak, and once I laid my eyes on it, I was hooked! I was using a similar product already but in  single use packaging only and by a baby food brand. Problem is, we don't have babies anymore and it was really wasteful! What's a Squishy Snak Pak? … [Read more...]

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