Why ShesConnected is THE Social Media Conference to Attend This Fall #SCCTO

It seems every time I get on the computer these days I am hearing about another blogging conference. As a ShesConnected Conference Ambassador you already know that I'll be excitedly making my way to SCCTO this fall, but let me tell you why! 1. Location, Location, Location For me this is just a no brainer, I live in Ontario and ShesConnected is hosted in the heart of Toronto. While I would rather suck a lemon all day than drive in the craziness of the the T-Dot, there is no denying that Toronto … [Read more...]

#SCCTO Twitter Party Tonight!

It's the last Tuesday of the month and that means it's time for another FABULOUS TWITTER PARTY WITH SHESCONNECTED!! Tonight's party will start at 9pm and has amazing party sponsors giving away some really great prizes such as a Toshiba All in One Touch Screen Computer, Chicken Farmers of Canada Home Cooking Pack, Molson Canadian Summer Prize Pack, Maple Leaf Foods Grocery Basket Prize Pack, Booty Camp Fitness Ultimate Home Edition DVD Vol. 2 and More! Plus, you can snag yourself a … [Read more...]

I’m Part of the MOB!

Welcome Welcome Welcome!!! I've been really excited to take part in this MOB Society hop! I lurk around the FB page and website but this is really my big chance to say hello to all of you and introduce myself!! I'm Jennifer, Proud Boy-Mom to three little dudes aged 3, 4 and 6! Yes, life for me is busy, loud and dirty and I love every minute of it! (almost lol) I started blogging in January of 2010, Canadian winters can be brutal and boring up here in the great white north and Mama needed a … [Read more...]

#SCCTO 2012 Go Big or Go Home!

If you ever thought I was getting a big head, now you know it's true! Say hello to the very cool bobble head version of me! Why the big head? I'm super excited to tell you that I am a ShesConnected Brand Ambassador!! (check out all the other bobble headed brand ambassadors here, we love comparing outfits!) And heads are not all that's going to be BIG this year at the ShesConnected 2012 Toronto Conference, this year they have definitely kicked things up a notch and as I like to say, went … [Read more...]

What?? High Res Images Won’t Buy My Groceries??

So there I was at the grocery store check out, the cashier gave me my total, and while it was a little bit higher than usual, I knew I had it covered. I carefully pulled out my glossy high resolution images of some cash I was lucky to have last month. 'No' the lady politely said 'we don't take paper'. hmmm...technology is really taking over the world, I thought. But no worries, I always carry a back up memory stick in purse. What??? high res images won't buy my groceries???? As a blogger … [Read more...]

Cheers to a New Year in the Blogosphere

  Well, happy blogiversary to me! yup, this is it, my second blogging birthday! As a sit here snuggled down in my bed while the boys nap, snow and wind raging at my window, feeling a little down, it is no surprise to me at all that this is the time I started my blog two years ago. There's something about being locked inside the house with 3 little boys in the dead of a Canadian winter that makes you scream for an outlet. so thank you internet. and thank YOU!! It's really all of … [Read more...]

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